Selected Bibliography

By Virgil Thomson

Virgil Thomson: The State of Music and Other Writings, Ed: Tim Page. The Library of America, 2016. Includes American Music Since 1910; Virgil Thomson; Music with Words

Virgil Thomson: Music Chronicles 1940-1954, Ed: Tim Page, The Library of America, 2014. Includes The Musical Scene; The Art of Judging Music; Music Right and Left

Virgil Thomson, A Reader, Ed: Richard Kostelanetz, Routledge, 2002

A Virgil Thomson Reader, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981

About Virgil Thomson

Virgil Thomson, Composer on the Aisle, by Anthony Tommasini, W.W. Norton, 1991

Selected Letters of Virgil Thomson, edited by Tim Page and Vanessa Weeks Page, Summit Books, 1988

Virgil Thomson Musical Portraits, by Anthony Tommasini, Pendragon Press, 1986

Virgil Thomson: A Bio-bibliography, Michael Meckna, Greenwood Press, 1986